Chonnam Med J.  2004 Sep;40(3):117-124.

Development of Internet Smoking Cessation Program to Encourage the Personal Intention to Quit Smoking

  • 1Department of Health Science, Seonam University, Korea. health@seonam.
  • 2Department of Electrionics, Computer & Information Eng., Chonnam National University, Korea.
  • 3Department of Preventive Medicine, Chonnam National University Medical School, Korea.
  • 4Chonnam National University Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Gwangju, Korea.


The development of internet programs for smoking cessation is motivated to quit smoking in large groups of smokers. This personalized program consists of tailored messages to consider the characteristics of smokers, and contains informations on the outcomes of smoking cessation and the skills to be used in the quit attempts. The purpose of this study was to develop the internet management program for smoking cessation to encourage the personal intention to quit smoking. We conducted the program in 4 steps: describing principle of program management, establishing information system, developing contents for smoking cessation, and managing guidance for the staff of local health care center. This program is delivered for 30 days, if the participants would not failed to quit smoking. The contents consisted of 13 stages which were divided on starting period, practical period, maintenance period, and success period. And the guidance was developed the two parts as general mode and sub-district mode in order to improve the efficiency of program management. This program is likely to contribute to reducing smoking rate and to improving smoking cessation rate. Therefore this program should be tested in a community to evaluate the effectiveness. To promote the effectiveness, this program should be implicated the contents and strategies for various targets, and established the follow-up system for ex-smokers.


internet smoking cessation program; intention to quit smoking

MeSH Terms

Delivery of Health Care
Information Systems
Smoking Cessation*
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