J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  2007 Mar;48(3):385-391.

Comparion of Surgical Result by IOL implantation Time in Simultaneous Lens Extraction and Vitrectomy

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, Chung-ang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. hkcho26@cau.ac.kr


PURPOSE: To compare the surgical results according to the IOL implantation time in patients who were performed simultaneous lens extraction, vitrectomy and silicone oil endotamponade.
We reviewed the medical records of 60 eyes in 57 patients with vitreoretinal diseseases. The group I included 32 eyes those were performed simultaneous lens extraction, vitrectomy and silicone oil endotamponade as the first surgery, and sequential IOL implantation at the time of silicone oil removal as the second surgery. The group II included 28 eyes those were performed simultaneous lens extraction, vitrectomy, silicone oil endotamponade and IOL implantation as the first surgery, and sequential oil removal as the second surgery. The cases were evaluated 6 months after silicone oil removal. Anatomical and functional success rate, difference of postoperative predictive refraction, postoperative complication occurrence rate were compared between two groups.
The anatomical successes were achieved in 93.8% (30/32 eyes) and 92.9% (26/28 eyes) in the group I and II respectively. The functional successes were achieved in 71.9% (23/32 eyes) and 78.6% (22/28 eyes) in the group I and II respectively. The differences between preoperative predicted target refraction and postoperative final refraction were 0.68D and 0.92D in the group I and II respectively. The incidence of postoperative anterior chamber reaction and secondary glaucoma were significantly high after second surgery in the group I.
We recommend a simultaneous implantation of IOL at the combined surgery of lens extraction and vitrectomy with silicone oil endotamponade to reduce postoperative complications.


Cataract surgery; Intraocular lens; Silicone oil; Vitrectomy

MeSH Terms

Anterior Chamber
Lenses, Intraocular
Medical Records
Postoperative Complications
Silicone Oils
Silicone Oils
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