Korean J Dermatol.
1995 Feb;33(1):166-171.
Two Cases of cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita
- Cutis naarmorata telangiectatica congenita(CMTC) was first lesribed by Van Lohuizen in 1992. Cases of CMTC were reported later under various names, includir gan Lohuizens syndrome, congenital generalized phlebectasia. congential phlebectasia and reticulatever scular nevus. It is charaterized by persistent livedo reticularis, telangiectasia and phlectnsia from birch hand atrophy and superficial ulceration of the overlying skin are uncornmonly encountered. They have a steady improvement with time, however various congenital abnormalties, such as varicosities, hen ariomas, hypoplasia or hypertrophy of soft tissue and bones, rarely generalized congenital fibrornatos ectal and genital anomaliies may be associated in approxirnately 50 percent of patients. In case 1, the patient was 45-day-old female infant with reticulated mottling and atrophy of the skin on the right leg. In case 2, the patient was 30-day-old male infant who depressed, bluish, and reticulated patches on the both upprarms, right side trunk, buttock and loen leg. Decreased circumferences of the affected extremities vas observed in case 2. No other assotated anomalies were found in physical and X-ray examinatiorwlin both cases. The skin biiopsy of bothed similar findings, which revealed mild dilatation and proliferation of capillaries, mild inflammatoryel infiltration and extravasated red blood cells in the dermis. The clinical follow-up, alneast all of th lisions disappeared spont.anously in 1 year at case 1, and some of lesions also disappeared in 3 month, 11 case 2. In addition, we reviewed and summerized the reported cases in Korea.