J Korean Orthop Assoc.  1998 Apr;33(2):314-318.

Treatment of Hallux Valgus with a Proximal Metatarsal Osteotomy and Distal Soft: Tissue Procedure


The deformity of hallux valgus is associated with three hasic prohlems: a prominent rnedial eminence, contracted soft-tissue structures on the lateral side of the great toe, and an altered intermetatarsal angle between the first and second metatarsal. We retrospectively have reviewed the results for thirty-one patients(47 feet) in whom a hallux vaigus deformity had heen conected with the release of the distal soft tissues, excision of the medial eminence, plication of the medial part of the capsule, and proximal crescentic osteotomy of the first metatarsal. The patients were followed for an average of twenty months(range, twelve to twenty-eight months). There were nine cases with mild defoimity, twenty-nine cases with moderate deformity, nine cases with severe deformity. The preoperative hallux valgus angle averaged 38.1 degrees, and the immediate postoperative angle averaged 6.7 degrees. The preoperative intermetatarsal angle averaged 17.1 degrees, and the immediate postoperative angle, 7.6 degrees. At the latest follow-up, the hallux valgus angle averaged 19.3 degrees, the intermetatarsal angle averaged 9.9 degrees. We found that the more the deformity, the lesser the congruency. 74.5% of the patients were satisfied with the result of the procedure. They stated that, eiven the same circumstances, they would have the operation again. The most common complication was recurrence of the nallux valgus, which occurred in nine feet(five patients). The other complications included pain under a fibular sesamoid in one foot, severe hypoesthesia on the medial aspect ot the big toe in one foot, and superficial wound infection in one foot.


Hallux valgus; Distal soft tissue procedure; Proximal metatarsal osteotomy

MeSH Terms

Congenital Abnormalities
Follow-Up Studies
Hallux Valgus*
Metatarsal Bones*
Retrospective Studies
Wound Infection
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