J Korean Surg Soc.  2011 Jun;80(Suppl 1):S21-S25. 10.4174/jkss.2011.80.Suppl1.S21.

Laparoscopic resection of a appendiceal mucocele

  • 1Department of Surgery, Gyeongsang National University Hospital, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine, Jinju, Korea. csk1071@yahoo.co.kr


Laparoscopic resection of appendiceal mucoceles has recently been described, but the safety and efficacy are controversial. We present two cases of laparoscopic mucocelectomies involving 14 and 15 cm cystic masses originating from the appendix. The laparoscopic mucocelectomies were performed using four ports. From the beginning of the procedure, a laparoscopic bag was used to safely contain the mucocele, prevent rupture of the mucocele, and retract the mucocele. An endoscopic stapling device was used to transect the base of the cecum. Minimal handling was achieved by gravity and with the use of laparoscopic instruments. Laparoscopic appendectomies are widely performed for acute appendicitis, but laparoscopic resection is not routinely performed for an appendiceal mucocele because of the risk of perforation and subsequent pseudomyxoma peritonei. We report two cases of laparoscopic appendiceal mucocelectomies, which were performed safely with laparoscopic instruments and minimal manipulation.


Mucocele; Laparoscopy; Appendiceal neoplasm

MeSH Terms

Appendiceal Neoplasms
Handling (Psychology)
Pseudomyxoma Peritonei


  • Fig. 1 Abdominal ultrasonography (A) and computed tomography (B) demonstrated the large cystic mass.

  • Fig. 2 Colonoscopy showed the huge protruding mass from the cecum (A). Gross specimen of the resected mass (B).

  • Fig. 3 Trocar sites for laparoscopic resection of an appendiceal mucocele.

  • Fig. 4 Intra-operative laparoscopic view showed the wide base of the mucocele. M, mucocele; b, laparoscopic bag; Ti, terminal ileum.

  • Fig. 5 The resected mucocele (A) had internal gelatinous material (B).


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