Korean J Obstet Gynecol.  1998 Feb;41(2):508-515.

The Effect of Epidermal Growth Factor upon the in vitro Secretion of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin by Gynecologic Cancer Cells


Cell growth rate and the secretion of ectopic hormones such as total hCG, free beta-subunit and BCF were measured in the culture media with epidermal growth factor (EGF) from ovarian carcinoma cell lines, Bixler and Bix2NMB, and cervical cancer cell line, CaSki. In this experiment following results were retrieved. 1. Three cancer cells showed very similar growth rates at every experimental day in both culture media (Fig. 1). Coefficients of correlation of cell growth, intracellular and intercellular, according to the presence or not of EGF in the media were all nearly closed to 1 (Table 1). 2. Total hCG secretion by three cell lines were not enough to be detectable in both control (0 ng/ml of EGF) and experimental (100 ng/ml of EGF) media. 3. Total free beta subunit of hCG was secreted more in EGF containing media by two ovarian cancer cells according to the increment of confluency except the 5th day of Bix2NMB. On the other hand the secretion of total beta subunit of hCG by CaSki was decreased to be undetectable in EGF containing media (Fig. 2). 4. BCF was also secreted more in EGF containing media by two ovarian cancer cells according to the increment of confluency, but not in CaSki (Fig. 3). 5. Intracellular concentrations of hCG, free beta -subunit of hCG and BCF in CaSki and Bixler at 5th day of experiment were not detectable and same was for hCG in Bix2NMB (Fig. 4). In Bix2NMB intrace llular concentration of total free beta-subunit was increas ed much in experimental medium, but that of BCF was decreased to be nearly undetectable (Fig. 4). These findings suggest that EGF didn`t influence the growth of three cell lines or didn`t promote cellular proliferation at all, but shows diverse actions on the three cancer cells in the view point of hormone secretion.

MeSH Terms

Cell Line
Cell Proliferation
Chorionic Gonadotropin*
Culture Media
Epidermal Growth Factor*
Hormones, Ectopic
Ovarian Neoplasms
Uterine Cervical Neoplasms
Chorionic Gonadotropin
Culture Media
Epidermal Growth Factor
Hormones, Ectopic
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