Korean J Pathol.  2005 Dec;39(6):442-444.

Why and How to Use Surgical Pathology Terminology in Korean?

  • 1Department of Pathology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. chi3802@hotmail.com


The great majority of the terms that are used in describing the pathological findings are in English. These English terms became very familiar to most surgical pathologists in non-English speaking countries including Korea. Considering the situation of global importance of diagnostic pathology for the better international communication. It is acceptable to our Korean pathologists to be competent in English and English terminology. However, it is equally important to be competent and fluent in Korean terminology as well. Therefore, instead of mixing or combining two languages in describing pathological changes, it should be encouraged to be competent in both Korea and English. The author proposes a list of Korean terms that could best fit for the corresponding English terms that are frequently used in describing gross and microscopic findings in routine surgical pathology. It is hoped that these proposed terms could be standardized through the process of feedback from the members of our Society, and be used routinely in everyday practice.


Terminology; Pathology; Korean; Surgical pathology

MeSH Terms

Pathology, Surgical*
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