Korean J Perinatol.
1998 Dec;9(4):381-388.
Statistical Analysis of Twin Pregnancy
Twin pregnancies represent a high risk obstetric population with perinatal morbidity and mortality much greater than that of singleton pregnancies. A retrospective dinical evaluation was attempted to analyse 211 cases of twin pregnancies in Chunchon Sacred Heart Hospital of Hallym University from Jan. l. 1988 to Dec. 31. 1997. The results were as follows. 1) The incidence of twin pregnancy was 1 in 93.9 deliveries. 2) The age of mother ranged from 19 to 42 years and predominant age group was 26-30 which covers 43.1% of all. 3) Nullipara was 61.1% and multipara was 38.9%. 4) The predominant gestational age group at delivery was 36-37 weeks, 33.2%. 5) In presentation, both cephalic combination was 46.4%, cephalic-breech was 26.1%. 6) The birth weight was less than 2500gm in 64.9% of the 1st babies and 70.6% of the 2nd babies, respectively. 7) The rate of cesarean section was 89.0%. The indications of cesarean section were malpresention (48.9%), elective cesarean section(38.8%), and toxemia(9.0%). 8) In 23 cases of vaginal delivery, the average duration of labor was 7.0 hours and 43.5% of 2nd baby was delivered within 5 min after 1st baby delivery, 9) The most frequent maternal complications during pregnancy were anemia(36.0%), preterm labor(34.6%) and preeclamsia(17.5%). 10) The perinatal mortality rate of the first and second twins was 10.4% and 12.3%, respectively. The main causes of perinatal death were prematurity(52.1%) and stillborn(22.9%). 11) Both female was 43.6%, both male was 39.3%, and opposite sex was 17.1% in infant.