Korean J Urol.  1994 Apr;35(4):407-413.

Evaluation of Erectile Dysfunction with Continuous Monitoring of Penile Rigidity

  • 1Department of Urology, Chon Buk National University, College of Medicine, Chon Ju, Korea.


Measurement of nocturnal penile tumescence or circumferential expansion is a valuable method for the diagnosis of erectile impotence. However, only a few investigation have been made of penile rigidity during tumescence with a single isolated measurement. Continuous and simultaneous recording of nocturnal penile rigidity and tumescence is preferred than measuring tumescence alone to define the features of nocturnal penile erection and differentiate psychogenic from organic impotence. Rigiscan is suitable for this purpose. This new method was used in 33 normal volunteers and 20 patients who complain erectile dysfunction. Circumferential expansion was not always accompanied by penile rigidity. A dissociation of rigidity between the tip and base of the penis was observed in some patients. Shortened episodes and low amplitude of rigidity and flat episodes also were seen. The higher the age, the shorter the duration and number of events were seen in normal group (P<0.05) . In patient group, event and duration were shorter than normal group (P<0.05). The findings of flat trace or abnormal erection provide valuable informations to screen the organic impotence. Because of its ambulatory character the continuous measurement of nocturnal penile rigidity is of value in defining features of nocturnal penile erection and differentiating psychogenic from organic impotence.


Erectile dysfunction; Penile rigidity

MeSH Terms

Erectile Dysfunction*
Healthy Volunteers
Penile Erection
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