Hanyang Med Rev.  2011 Feb;31(1):17-22. 10.7599/hmr.2011.31.1.17.

Endovascular Management for Infrapopliteal Stenocclusive Lesions Manifestating Critical Limb Ischemia

  • 1Department of Radiology, Konkuk University Hospital, Seoul, Korea. psw0224@kuh.ac.kr


Critical limb ischemia reporesents the most severe clinical manifestation of peripheral arterial disease, defined as the presence of ischemic rest pain, ischemic lesions or gangrene attributable to objectively proven arterial occlusive disease. Typically the atherosclerotic disease process is diffuse, in the majority of patients involving the below-the-knee arterial tree. The cornerstone of therapy is vascular reconstruction and limb salvage. Revascularization should be attempted without delay in all patients presenting with critical limb ischemia, whenever technically possible and if clinical status is not hopelessly non-ambulatory. Therefore endovascular treatment will become the gold standard for the full range of patients including below-the-knee, the need for classically trained surgeons will shrink.


Arteries; Interventional Radiology; Fluoroscopy; Angiography; Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty

MeSH Terms

Arterial Occlusive Diseases
Limb Salvage
Peripheral Arterial Disease
Radiology, Interventional


  • Fig. 1 A) Initial angiogram shows stenoocclusive lesions of infrapopliteal arteries. B, C). PTA after negotiation over these stenoocclusive lesions was performed. D) Angiogram after PTA shows complete revascularization of anterior tibial and peroneal arteries.


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