Korean J Dermatol.
1987 Feb;25(1):103-108.
A Case of Polymorphic Pemphigoid
- We report herein a case of polymorphic pemphigoid in a 65-year-old woman, who had one-year history of generlized polymorphic eruption with intensely pruritic excoriated vesicobiullous lesions and residual pigmentation. Face and oral mucosa were spared. The skin biopsy specimen showed a subepidermal blister containing many eosinophils. Linear deposition of 1gG and C3 along the basement membrane was noticed on direct irnmunofluorescerice. Polyclonal garnmopathy with a tendency of beta-gamma bridging and increased IgG, IgA and kappachain, was frund on serum protein electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis. Skin lesions were well coritrolled by a combined therapy of prednisolone(20 mg/d), dapsone(100 mg/d) and cyclophosphamide(100 mg/d) for 4 months. Direct immunofluorescence performed 11 rnonths after the cnmpletion of the therapy was negative.