J Korean Neurosurg Soc.
1992 Jan;21(1):30-35.
The Therapeutic Effect of Nizofenone in the Acute Stage Following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
- We administered new imidazole dervative, nizofenone, to 15 cases in the acute stage following subarachnoid hemorrhage between December, 1990 and March, 1991 to determine its therapeutic value of ischemic protection. The appearance of delayed ischemic deficit was not prevented, but its prognostic adverse effect was ameliorated. The ability to perform the normal activity was 67% in the group which did not show the delayed ischemi deficit. And the ability to perform the normal activity was also 67% in the group whih showed the delayed ischemic deficit. No significant side effect was seen in the end of its administration. But in 6 cases, the administration was stopped because of deterioration of patient' consciousness level despite its administration. No therapeutic value was observed in the poor grade(Hunt and Hess grade III-IV) patients. The ability to perform the normal activity was still 29% in the poor grade group. The mortality was 13% despite nizofenone. In this clinical trial, we concluded that nizofenone had the ameliorating effect to the adverse effect of the delayed ischemic deficit in the good grade(Hunt and Hess grade I-II) patients. But the effect to the poor grade patients was not observed. So large scaled controlld study would be necessary to verify its good therapeutic effect to the whole population of subarachnoid hemorrhage patients.