J Korean Neurosurg Soc.  1986 Jun;15(2):225-236.

CO2 Laser and Bipolar Electrocautery Effects on Vessel Coagulation and Arterial Repair

  • 1Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University, Seoul, Korea.


Hemostatic effect is achieved most efficiently by bipolar electrocoagulation in the neurosurgical operation. As far as function is concerned, the laser surgical unit closely resembles the electrosurgical unit. It has been possible to unite arterial vessel ends in a very fast procedure by means of heat application with the laser or bipolar electrocautery. The authors studied the difference between the CO2 Laser and Bipolar Electrocautery Effects on coagulation and anastomosis of vessels experimentally. 46 rats weighing 200gm to 250gm, were used in this study. We divided the experimental animals into 4 groups : 1) arterial coagulation with the CO2 laser, 2) vessel coagulation with the bipolar electrocautery, 3) arterial anastomosis with the CO2 laser, 4) arterial anastomosis with the bipolar electrocautery. The CO2 laser was operated at 10 watts(W) to 50W for vessel coagulation, and 2W for arterial anastomosis. The output of bipolar generation(Malis type) varied from 10 to 80 dial setting (DS) for vessel coagulation or arterial anastomosis. The results obtained were as follows : 1) The lower limit of proper arterial coagulation by the CO2 laser was 20W, 3 seconds(sec) of exposure time with defocused beam. 2) The arteries were properly coagulated with the bipolar coagulator under the DS 30~40, coagulation time 2~4 sec. Over DS 50, the artery perforated to active bleeding. 3) The veins were coagulated satisfactorily under DS 20~30 with 1~5sec. of coagulation time. 4) Both temporary cease of blood flow and using blunt bipolar forceps reduced the coagulation time, and the arteries were not performed over DS 50. 5) Arterial anastomosis was accomplished with 2W, 0.05sec of exposure with 0.2mm of focused CO2 laser beam. With the bipolar coagulator, the arteries could be anastomosed under DS 5~10, 2~3sec. of coagulation time. 6) The patency rate after arterial anastomosis was 71% with the CO2 laser and was 22% with the bipolar coagulator. 7) In the histological examination of coagulated arteries, the entire layers of laser irradiated side revealed destruction and constriction of adventitia and media sparing intima on all around the vessel wall. Anastomosed site revealed coaptation of adventitia and media.


CO2 laser; Bipolar coagulator; Vessel coagulation; Arterial repair; Arterial anastomosis

MeSH Terms

Hot Temperature
Lasers, Gas*
Surgical Instruments
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