Korean J Orthod.  2003 Oct;33(5):323-337.

A comparative study of soft tissue profile between Korean and Caucasian young adults under NHP

  • 1Department of Orthodontcis, College of Dentistry, Kyung-Hee University, Korea. ygpark@khu.ac.kr


This study was performed to establish Korean soft tissue cephalometric norms, to compare the norms between sexes and between races, and then to suggest a guideline to execute orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning for dentofacial deformities in Korean. Young Korean adults were selected. They were 27 males (23.8 2.6-year-old) and 20 females (22.5 1.7-year-old) who had harmonious facial balance. After taking lateral cephalograms under the natural head position which is widely known as a highly reliable and reproducible reference position, films were traced and analysing factors were measured as introduced by Arnett et al. Comparisons were done between male and female groups and between Korean and Caucasian groups using unpaired t-test. From the results it was concluded that Korean male had generally thicker lower facial soft tissue and smaller nasolabial angle, longer facial height, deeper facial depth, and more protrusive lower face than Korean female. From the comparison with Caucasian norms adopted from the research of Arnett et al., both Korean male and female showed longer facial lengths generally except less exposed maxillary incisor, and shorter facial depth than Caucasian counterparts. Also, both races showed similar horizontal position of maxillary structures from TVL (true vertical line), but there were more significant anteroposterior differences of maxilla-mandible in Korean groups. These results mean Korean had relatively more retruded mandibular structures from the reference line, TVL. Individuals who had harmonious facial balance showed similar facial angle, more or less 170 degree, regardless of sexes or races.


Soft tissue profile; Natural head position; TVL; Facial harmony

MeSH Terms

Continental Population Groups
Dentofacial Deformities
Young Adult*
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