Korean J Urol.  1979 Dec;20(6):553-561.

A Symptomatic Study of Depressive Phenomena on Chronic Prostatitis

  • 1Department of Urology, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University Taejon, Korea.


Author attempted to confirm characteristic mental symptoms of chronic prostatitis. 953 people of normal subjects, 336 patients of depressive neurotics and 183 patients of anxiety neurotics participated in this survey and each of the above groups was compared with 80 patients of chronic prostatitis respectively with intention of collection of anticipated data by means of Zung's Self-Rating Depressive Scale. Each of those groups was compared with calculated mean and standard deviation through t-test. Based on calculated means and standard deviations of each item, chronic prostatitis was compared with normal subjects, depressive neurotics and anxiety neurotics respectively by means of t-test. Each item was arranged in the order of means comparing chronic prostatitis with normal subjects, depressive neurotics and anxiety neurotics respectively. The above results are summarized as follows : 1. The degree of depressive symptom of chronic prostatitis was between that of normal subject and depressive or anxiety neurotics. 2. The psychologic symptom of chronic prostatitis patients appears to he more pronounced than that of normal subjects but physiologic symptom does not appear to be of considerable significance. 3. Depressive degree of chronic prostatitis was lower than depressive neurotics except 2 out of 20 items. 4. Comparing chronic prostatitis with anxiety neurotics, psychologic symptoms appeared to be more pronounced, but physiologic symptoms appeared to be more pronounced in anxiety neurotics. 5. There was no definitive correlation between psychological and physiological symptoms in anxiety neurotics. Chronic prostatitis patients, normal subjects, and depressive neurotics marked high in psychologic symptoms. From the above results, it could be concluded that depression of chronic prostatitis was originally similar to that of depressive neurotics and that the aspect of the quantity is of triviality.


chronic prostatitis; depressive phenomena

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