J Korean Pediatr Soc.  1994 Jul;37(7):986-993.

Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and Glycosuria in School Children


An epidemiological survey on the glycosuria was conducted on the senier students of middle and high school in Seoul, from March 1981 to March 1982. Selected examinee totalled to 254,835 of which 138,116 were male & 116,719 were female. The initial, second and third urine sugar test were done with Combur-test strip(r). Glucose tolerance test was performed on those who were found to have persistent glycosuria. The followings showed the results of the survey. Among the 254,835 examinees, 1,240 were found with initial positive glycosuria. The glycosuria positive rate revealed 0.52% for male, 0.44% for female. Its average was 0.49%. It also revealed that male students in high school had higher positive rate of glycosuria. 2) The persistent glycosuria positive rate revealed 11.58/100,000 for male, 15.42/100,000 for female and its average was 13.34/100,000. 3) Out of the 33 cases with the persistent glycosuria, 60.6% of them were diagnosed as diabetes mellitus. 4) The overall prevalence rate of diabetes was 7.85/100,000. The prevalence rate of male was5.79/100,000, and female was 10.28/100,000. Consequently the rate of male to female was 1:1.78, showing that rates were higher for females than males. The. survey also revealed that the prevalence rate of diabetes was increased with advancing grade. 5) The 70% of the total person who were diagnosed as diabetes, did not recognize of their disease by themselves till the survey was conducted. 6) The frequency of subjective diabetic symptoms were polydipsia, polyuria and polyphagia in order. *Combur-test(r)are registered trade marks of the Boehringer mannheim GmbH Company.

MeSH Terms

Diabetes Mellitus*
Glucose Tolerance Test
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