J Korean Med Sci.  2004 Feb;19(1):130-133. 10.3346/jkms.2004.19.1.130.

A Case of Hodgkin's Lymphoma Associated with Sensory Neuropathy

  • 1Department of Neurology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. kkkim@www.amc.seoul.kr
  • 2Department of Diagnostic Pathology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.


Peripheral neuropathies occur in lymphoma patients. Causes of neuropathy include chemotherapy, opportunistic infections, and the lymphoma itself. We report a patient with lymphoma whose chief complaint was a sensory loss in the hands and feet. Electrophysiologic studies and sural nerve biopsy showed sensory polyneuropathies. We hypothesize that this neuropathy is associated with lymphoma-related ganglionopathy, and among the possible causes, we suspect that a systemic cause such as a paraneoplastic syndrome is the most likely pathogenic etiology. However, further follow-up will be necessary to see whether sensory symptoms change with lymphoma treatment.


Lymphoma; Polyneuropathies; Paraneoplastic Syndromes

MeSH Terms

Hodgkin Disease/*complications/*diagnosis
Lymphatic Metastasis
Peripheral Nervous System Diseases/*complications/*pathology
Sensation Disorders/complications/pathology


  • Fig. 1 Lymph node biopsy (H&E stain, ×20). Microscopically, the mass exhibits diffuse effacement of lymph node architecture and granulomas. Inset is the enlarged picture (×200) of the area indicated by arrow.

  • Fig. 2 Lymph node biopsy (H&E stain, ×200). Reed-Sternberg cells (solid arrow) are scattered among a background of many mature lympocytes. Arrow inside inset shows mitosis.

  • Fig. 3 Sural nerve biopsy (modified Gomori trichrome stain, ×100). The sural nerve biopsy shows several myelin digestion chambers (arrow), suggesting axonal degeneration.

  • Fig. 4 Sural nerve biopsy (EM findings, ×7,000). The sural nerve shows loss of small and large myelinated fibers and degenerating axons with myelin ovoids (arrow), suggesting axonal neuropathy.


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