Korean J Pathol.  1995 Sep;29(4):469-477.

Expression of nm23 Protein in Breast Carcinoma: An immunohistochemical study

  • 1Department of Pathology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2Department of Surgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.


To elucidate a possible prognostic factor, we studied 91 cases of breast carcinoma for the expression of n-tn23 protein using an immunohistochemical method, and compared these results with the known prognostic parameters of the breast carcinoma. The mn23 protein was intensely stained in the cytoplasm and/or the nucleus of carcinoma cells in 82 cases(90.1%). There were two patterns of cytoplasmic staining; heterogeneous pattern and homogeneous pattern. Among the positive cases, 43 cases(47.2%) were heterogeneous while 39 cases(42.8%) were homogeneous. Axillary lymph node metastases(p<0.005) was found more frequently in the heterogeneous pattern group(79.0%) than in the homogeneous pattern group(41.0%). There was no significant correlation between nm23 protein expression and other parameters such as patient age, tumor size, estrogen receptor, histopathologic grade, and p53 overexpression. Although axillary lymph node metastasis was correlated with the disease free status(p<0.0005) and patient survival (p<0.05), they showed no correlation with nin23 expression. Multivariate analysis showed that axillary lymph node metastasis was the only prognostic indicator(p<0.05), and the expression of nm23 protein was of borderline significance. The results suggest that the homogeneous and/or granular cytoplasmic expression of mn23 protein plays a role in the suppression of nodal metastasis in breast carcinoma and might contribute in predicting patient survival.


nm23; Nucleoside diphosphate kinase; Breast carcinoma; Metastasis; Prognosis

MeSH Terms

Neoplasm Metastasis
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