Korean J Dermatol.  1989 Feb;27(1):17-22.

A Study of the Effect of Nicotinic acid and Its Substitutes on Cutaneous Blood Flow


The ability of nicotinic acid and its substitutes to increase cutaneous blood flow has been measured by laser Doppler flowmeter in 30 healthy human volunteers. We applied nicotinarnide, nicotinic acid ethyl ester, nicotinic acid methyl ester, hexyl nicozinate each in an acqeous solution at a concentration of 10 mM/liter for 10 minutes occlusion on the forearm. The change of blood flow was serially checked at 5 to 10 minutes intervals for one hour. The study results were as follows : l. The relative maximum cutaneous blood flow response was in following order nicotinic acid methyl ester(100%), nicotinic acid ethyl ester(98%), hexyl nicotinate (84%) and nicotinic acid(63%). However, there was no statistically significant difference(p>0.05) between each drug. There was statististically significant difference between nicotinamide and all other nicotinic acid substitutes(p<0.05). 2. The time required to reach maximum blood flow response was 6.7 minutes for hexyl nicotinste, 10 minutes for nicotinic acid ethyl ester, 12.5 minutes for nicotinic acid methyl ester and 20 minutes for nicotinic acid. However, there was statistically significant difference between hexyl nicotinate and nicotinic acid only(p<0.05). 3. Significant decrease of cutaneous blood flow was observed one hour after the removal of the patches in all drugs.


Cutaneous blood flow; Laser Doppler; Nicotinic acid derivatives

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