Korean J Orthod.
1985 Mar;15(1):7-22.
A finite element analysis on the effect of the reverse headgear to the maxillary complex
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Korea.
- The purpose of this study was to analyze the stress distribution and the displacement in the maxillary complex after the application of the
reverse headgear. The direction of force was parallel to the occlusal plane. Orthopedic force, 300gm, was applied to the maxilla of the dry human skull
in a forward direction. The stress distribution and the displacement within the maxillary Complex was analyzed by a 3-dimensional finite element
method. The results were as follows:
1. The stress distribution at the molar regron was greater than that at the anterior.
2. The stress distribution at the lateral side of the premaxilla was greater than that at the middle side, especially high stress was noted at the
canine eminence.
3. Compressive stress was noted only at the forntozygomatic suture of the zygomatic arch.
4. A forward, upward, and sideward displacement was noted at the entire nodal points of the zygomaticomaxillary suture portion. A displacement with a
slight rotation was observed on the transverse palatine suture.
5. The maximum stress was observed at the lateral side of the maxillary tuberosity area, and generally the forward and downward displacement was noted
at all this area.