Korean J Otolaryngol-Head Neck Surg.
2005 May;48(5):676-679.
Bilateral Second Branchial Cleft Fistulas: A Case Report
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Otolaryngology-HNS, Collage of Medicine, Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea. ljhert@catholic.ac.kr
- The branchiogenic anomalies are common congenital cervical anomalies. They usually arise from an incomplete obliteration of the branchial apparatus during fetal development. These anomalies may be confused with and mistaken for other potentially more serious lesions, such as cystic hygromas, teratomas, and lymphomas. The anomalies are typically discovered in the pediatric and adolescent population and develop unilaterally. Bilateral manifestations are very rare and have a familial tendency. In addition, anomalies such as intrauterine and postnasal growth retardation, premature aging and unusual faces may be related with bilateral occurrence. This is the first report in the Korean language literature of bilateral branchial fistulas.