J Korean Acad Oral Maxillofac Radiol.  1998 Feb;28(1):155-169.

A Clinical Study Of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders By Using Arthrography

  • 1Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology, College of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, Korea.


The purpose of this study was to prove the relationship between arthrographic and clinical features in temporomadibular joint disorders. In order to carry out this study, ninety-eight arthrographic examinations of temporomandibular joints were performed in eighty-two patients who had the temporomandibular joint disorders. As the arthrographic examination, the cases were classfied in three groups, disk displacement with reduction, disk displacement without reduction, within normal limit. After this, the cases were clinically exanmined, and the results were compared and analyzed in each other group. The obtained results were as follows ; 1. As the classification by arthrographic examination, three groups (disc displacement with reduction, disc displacement without reduction, within normal limit) were 41%, 54%, 5% of total cases in this study, respectively. 2. The third decade(65%) was most frequent in this study. The average age of each group (disc displacement with reduction, disc displacement without reduction, within normal limit) was 24, 28, 21, and disc displacement without reduction group was higher than any other group. 3. In the chief complaint, pain was the most frequent in all three groups. Joint sound was also frequent in disc displacement with reduction group, but in disc displacement without reduction group, limitation of mouth openimg was more frequent. 4. Of the various pain, the movement pain was most frequent(61%) in this study. In joint sound, click(63%) was the most frequent in disc displacement with reduction group, but sound history(42%) and no sound(31%) were more frequent in disc displacement without reduction group. 5. The average maximum opening of each group (disc displacement with reduction, disc displacement without reduction, within normal limit) was 44mm, 32.9mm, 44mm, and disc displacement without reduction group was less than any other group. 6. The masticatory disturbance of each group (disc displacement with reduction, disc displacement without reduction, within normal limit) was 53%, 79%, 40%, and the trauma history of each group was 50%, 40%, 60%.

MeSH Terms

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders*
Temporomandibular Joint*
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