J Korean Acad Nurs.  2012 Aug;42(4):525-536. 10.4040/jkan.2012.42.4.525.

Effects of a Volunteer-Run Peer Support Program on Health and Satisfaction with Social Support of Older Adults Living Alone

  • 1College of Nursing, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea. suhyun_kim@knu.ac.kr


The purpose of the study was to evaluate effectiveness of a peer support program conducted by older community volunteers for older adults living alone.
Thirty volunteers trained as peer supporters were matched with low-income, older adults living alone in the community on gender. Visits occurred on a weekly basis over the 12 month study period, and the volunteers provided peer support for health management to solitary older adults. Data were collected, before the start of the program and again 6 and 12 months after its initialization, from intervention and control groups regarding physical health, general health, mental health, depression, social functioning, and satisfaction with social support. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze data.
By the end of the program, socially isolated older adults in the intervention group had significantly higher scores in physical health and general health than elders in the control group. Significant interaction effects between time and group were found for depression, social functioning, and satisfaction with social support.
The peer support program undertaken by older community volunteers was effective in improving physical health, general health, depression, social functioning, and satisfaction with social support in socially isolated, low-income, older adults.


Aged; Health; Social support; Voluntary workers

MeSH Terms

Aged, 80 and over
*Health Status
Mental Health
*Personal Satisfaction
Program Evaluation
Social Support
*Voluntary Programs


  • Figure 1. Estimated mean of outcome variables over time by experimental and control groups (controlled for family support at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months).

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