Korean J Parasitol.  1966 Aug;4(1):21-31. 10.3347/kjp.1966.4.1.21.

The use of Hetol on the infection of Clonorchis sinensis

  • 1Department of Parasitology, Yonsei University Colege of Medicine, Korea.


The 16 cases of Clonorchis sinensis infection were divided into 6 groups, according to the method of administration of 1, 4-Bis-trichlormethyl-benzol. The number of egg-out and clinical manifestation of pre and post drug administration were observed. In all groups, the number of ova transiently increased at the early stage of treatment and followed rather abrupt decrease reaching to E.P.G. zero by Stoll's method on 4 weeks after the medication, except group 6 which showed a few ova by M.G.L. method. Subjective symptoms: fatigability, disappetite and other general complaints by the drug administration were markedly improved in all cases. Blood counts and bleeding time were within normal value before and after the treatment. Liver function test was normal during pre- and post-treatment except case No. 9. Serum alkaline phosphatase of No.9 was high level lbefore treatment, but recovered to noraml level 3 weeks later of the drug administrations. SGOT and SGPT in 10 cases examined showed normal value. The level of serum protein was not changed during observation period. Urine albumin was noted in 2 cases before medication, but they also converted to negative within 3 weeks. Serum creatinine were all normal limits. Bradycardia were noted in 2 cases during observed no significant abnormalities of EKG. Serum electrophoresis were also normal limits.

MeSH Terms

Clonorchis sinensis
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