Korean J Ophthalmol.  2011 Dec;25(6):434-439. 10.3341/kjo.2011.25.6.434.

c-Fos Immunoreactivity in the Neurons of the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus in Albino Rats by Light Exposure after Dark Rearing

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, Eulji Medical Center, Eulji University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. pjs4106@eulji.ac.kr
  • 2Department of Neuroanatomy, Eulji University School of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea.


To investigate the effect of dark rearing immediately after birth on the maturation of the visual relay neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus.
Fifty neonatal rats were used. Neonates of the control groups were raised under a normal light/dark cycle. Neonates of the experiment groups were dark reared and isolated from light during the entire experimental period, then exposed to the sun light for 1 hour before sacrifice.
In the control groups, the neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus developed normally at each age tested. In the experiment groups, the cytoplasm of the large neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of 2-week-old rats contained small vesicles, and the cytoplasm of the large neurons of 4-week-old rats was converted into a vacuole-like space. Moreover, c-Fos immunoreactivity of the large neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in the experiment groups was significantly increased compared to that of the control groups.
We suppose that the maturation of the neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus might be influenced by light stimulation during the critical period. Furthermore, c-Fos could be a marker of the functional activity of the visual relay neurons of the lateral geniculate nucleus in albino rats.


c-Fos; Critical period; Lateral geniculate nucleus; Light stimulation

MeSH Terms

Animals, Newborn
Critical Period (Psychology)
*Dark Adaptation
Geniculate Bodies/*metabolism
Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-fos/*metabolism
Rats, Sprague-Dawley


  • Fig. 1 The morphological assessment. (A) Control group (immediately after birth). Lateral geniculate body is composed of small undifferentiated neurons which form short cellular cords scattered within the nucleus. The dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nucleus are not yet well distinguished. Few myelinated fibers are seen. Luxol fast blue as well as cresyl violet (LFB-CV), ×100. (B) Control group (immediately after birth). Most cells with darkly stained nuclei are undifferentiated. LFB-CV, ×400. (C) Control group (1 week after birth). Neurons (arrow) with a vesicular nucleus are well distinguished from astrocytes (white arrow), in which the condensed nucleus is composed of darkly stained chromatin. The cytoplasm of the neurons is still poorly developed so that it appears as a thin rim surrounding the nucleus. LFB-CV, ×400. (D) Experimental group (1 week after birth). Neurons (arrow) with a vesicular nucleus are well distinguished from astrocytes (white arrow), in which the condensed nucleus is composed of darkly stained chromatin. The cytoplasm of the neurons is still poorly developed so that it appears as a thin rim surrounding the nucleus. LFB-CV, ×400. (E) Experimental group (1 week after birth). Large neurons with a vesicular nucleus and vacuolated cytoplasm (arrow) are observed. Astrocytes with a condensed and dark nucleus (white arrow) are seen. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), ×400. (F) Experimental group (2 weeks after birth). Large neurons with vacuolated or vesicular cytoplasm are frequently seen. H&E, ×400. (G) Control group (4 weeks after birth). Neurons with well developed basophilic cytoplasm are observed. Astrocyte and oligodendrocyte are also seen. H&E, ×400. (H) Experimental group (4 weeks after birth). Most of the large neurons have vesicular cytoplasm. Small neurons (arrow) with thin basophilic cytoplasm are spared. H&E, ×400.

  • Fig. 2 The immunohistochemical assessment. (A) Control group (1 week after birth). No c-Fos immunoreactivity was observed in the nucleus (arrow). ABC method, ×400. (B) Experimental group (1 week after birth). The nucleus of the neurons shows trace c-Fos immunoreactivity (arrow). ABC method, ×400. (C) Control group (2 weeks after birth). No c-Fos immunoreactivity was observed in the nucleus (arrow). ABC method, ×400. (D) Experimental group (2 weeks after birth). Weak granular c-Fos immunoreactivity is observed in the nucleus. ABC method, ×400. (E) Control group (4 weeks after birth). Granular trace to weak c-Fos immunoreactivity in the nucleus. ABC method, ×400. (F) Control group (4 weeks after birth). Moderate to strong c-Fos immunoreactivity is observed in the nucleus of the neurons (arrow). ABC method, ×400.


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