KoreaMed, a service of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE), provides access to articles published in Korean medical, dental, nursing, nutrition and veterinary journals. KoreaMed records include links to full-text content in Synapse and publisher web sites.
The Hongcheon river system flows down through the Hongcheon area of Kangwon-do, and reaches to the Cheongpyeong Dam in Kyonggi-do. Stool specimens from the inhabitants residing along the Hongcheon river...
The present work which was investigated in July 1979, was to observe the wormicidal effects of the external mucous substances of 9 species of fresh water fishes (Cyprinus carpio, Parasilurus...
Recent patterns of infection with digenetic larval trematodes in fresh-water and brackish-water fish were studied in three locations of the river Taewha during the period from April to October 1988,...
The prevalences of the fluke belonging to genus Metagonimus have been reported along the upper stream of inhabitants by several workers since 1980, however the taxonomical problems of the fluke...
In order to know relationship between the clavate cells of epidermis and infectivity of metacercariae of C. sinensis. histological investigation of epidermis was carried out on the 26 species of...
The author studied the infection rates of Clonorchiis sinensis in the inhabitants of Kyungpook Province, and surveyed infestation rates of Clonorchis metacercarias in the twelve kinds of fresh water fishes...
The prevalence of C. sinensis infection along the Nam river, Korea, was 38.7% of 5,291 people examined. Prevalence rates varied from 42% at the upper stream to 34% at the...
The present study was undertaken to determine the pattern of infestation with the encysted larvae of digenetic trematodes in freshwater fish collected in both the natural and fish breeding ponds...