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2 results

Fertility-sparing surgery for women with stage I cervical cancer of 4 cm or larger: a systematic review

Donato VD, Caruso G, Sassu CM, Santangelo G, Bogani G, Plotti F, Sorbi F, Perniola G, Palaia I, Terrin G, Angioli R, Panici PB, Muzii L

Objective To investigate current evidence on oncological, fertility and obstetric outcomes of patients with stage I cervical cancer of 4 cm or larger undergoing fertility-sparing surgery (FSS). Methods Systematic review of studies including...
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Characteristics and patterns of care of endometrial cancer before and during COVID-19 pandemic

Bogani G, Scambia G, Cimmino C, Fanfani F, Costantini B, Loverro M, Ferrandina G, Landoni F, Bazzurini L, Grassi T, Vitobello D, Siesto G, Perrone AM, Zanagnolo V, De Iaco P, Multinu F, Ghezzi F, Casarin J, Berretta R, Capozzi VA, Zupi E, Centini G, Pellegrino A, Corso S, Stevenazzi G, Montoli S, Boschi AC, Comerci G, Greco P, Martinello R, Sopracordevole F, Giorda G, Simoncini T, Caretto M, Sartori E, Ferrari F, Cianci A, Sarpietro G, Matarazzo MG, Zullo F, Bifulco G, Morelli M, Ferrero A, Biglia N, Barra F, Ferrero S, Maggiore ULR, Cianci S, Chiantera V, Ercoli A, Sozzi G, Martoccia A, Schettini S, Orlando T, Cannone FG, Ettore G, Puppo A, Borghese M, Martinelli C, Muzii L, Donato VD, Driul L, Restaino S, Bergamini A, Candotti G, Bocciolone L, Plotti F, Angioli R, Mantovani G, Ceccaroni M, Cassani C, Dominoni M, Giambanco L, Amodeo S, Leo L, Thomasset R, Raimondo D, Seracchioli R, Malzoni M, Gorlero F, Luca MD, Busato E, Kilzie S, Dell'Acqua A, Scarfone G, Vercellini P, Petrillo M, Dessole S, Capobianco G, Ciavattini A, Carpini GD

Objective Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has correlated with the disruption of screening activities and diagnostic assessments. Endometrial cancer (EC) is one of the most common gynecological malignancies and it is...
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