Weissmann KA, Lafage V, Pitaque CB, Lafage R, Huaiquilaf CM, Ang B, Schulz RG
Decker S, Lafage R, Krettek C, Hart R, Ames C, Smith JS, Burton D, Klineberg , Bess S, Schwab FJ, Lafage V, International Spine Study Group
Williamson TK, Onafowokan OO, Das A, Mir JM, Krol O, Tretiakov P, Joujon-Roche R, Imbo B, Ahmad S, Owusu-Sarpong S, Lebovic J, Vira S, Schoenfeld AJ, Janjua MB, Diebo B, Lafage R, Lafage V, Passias PG
Pierce KE, Passias PG, Brown AE, Bortz CA, Alas H, Passfall L, Krol O, Kummer N, Lafage R, Chou D, Burton DC, Line B, Klineberg E, Hart R, Gum J, Daniels A, Hamilton K, Bess S, Protopsaltis T, Shaffrey C, Schwab FA, Smith JS, Lafage V, Ames C, on behalf of the International Spine Study Group (ISSG)
Scheer JK, Smith JS, Passias PG, Kim HJ, Bess S, Burton DC, Klineberg EO, Lafage V, Gupta M, Ames CP, The International Spine Study Group
Kang J, Hosogane N, Ames C, Schwab F, Hart R, Burton D, Shaffrey C, Smith JS, Bess S, Lafage V, Cho KJ, Ha Y, for the International Spine Study Group and Asian Pacific Spine Study Group