Korean J Orthod.  2022 Mar;52(2):123-130. 10.4041/kjod.2022.52.2.123.

Remote digital monitoring during the retention phase of orthodontic treatment: A prospective feasibility study

  • 1Dental School, Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences and Public Health, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
  • 2Department of Oral Health Science, Division of Orofacial Pain, College of Dentistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
  • 3Orthodontics, Division of Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR


To evaluate if a remote digital monitoring system added at the end of orthodontic treatment could positively influence the retention phase by reducing the occurrence of misfit of removable appliances, number of emergency appointments (EA), and orthodontic relapse.
Twenty-seven patients who completed active orthodontic treatment were divided into the study and control groups. In addition to the standard chairside follow-up appointments at month 1 (T1), month 3 (T2), month 6 (T3), the study group patients were monitored using Dental Monitoring® with monthly intra-oral scans. Occurrence of misfit of removable retainers, number of EAs, and intercanine width change were recorded for both groups. Differences in EAs and retainer fit were assessed using the chi-square test. Intra-group and inter-group differences in the intercanine width were assessed with Friedman test and Mann–Whitney U test, respectively (α = 0.05).
The study group showed a significantly lower occurrence of misfit of removable retainers (p = 0.027) compared to the control group. No significant inter- and intra-group difference was found in the EAs and intercanine width change at each time-point.
Integrating remote monitoring systems, such as Dental Monitoring® , to the retention phase of the orthodontic treatment may lower the occurrence of misfit of removable retainers. However, a small sample size and a short observation period limit the strength of this evidence. These preliminary results tentatively suggest that remote monitoring technologies may be beneficial, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the regularity of in-office visits might be disrupted.


Telemonitoring; Digital dentistry; Retention and stability


  • Figure 1 ScanBox© for remote monitoring by Dental Monitoring® (Dental Monitoring, Paris, France), with the dedicated cheek-retractor (A) and the smartphone in place (B).

  • Figure 2 3D Matching® between the pictures uploaded to Dental Monitoring® (Dental Monitoring SAS, Paris, France) and the stereolithography (.stl) file of the impressions taken at the appointment of the removal of the appliance.

  • Figure 3 3D Matching for upper central incisor in a patient of the study group, monitored with Dental Monitoring (DM, Dental Monitoring SAS, Paris, France) at 1 month after the removal of the appliance. A, Visual image of the dentition at 1 month, with dotted lines identifying the different teeth. B, The graph displays the movements expressed in mm of the upper right central incisor over one month, as detected by DM. C, Tha graph and the values highlight the movements expressed in degrees of the upper right central incisor over one month. DM detected a movement from 4.44° to 5.92° (lingual inclination), from 0.29° to 2.28° (mesial rotation), from 1.13° to 0.54° (distal angulation).



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