J Korean Neurol Assoc.
1998 Oct;16(5):678-681.
The Morphometric changes of Rat Peripheral nerve after Methyl-cobalamin Treatment in Capsaicin Induced Neuropathy
- Affiliations
- 1Deratment of neurology, College of medicine, Chungbuk National University.
BACKGROUND: Methcobalamin was known to act as a methyl donor in DNA metabolism and increase Protein synthesis for nerve regeneration. To determine whether methylcobalamin affects capsaicin induced polyneuropathy in rat sural nerves.
On their second day of life, 18 newborn rats were injected subcutaneously with capsaicin(50mg/kg). Ten rats were treated with methylcobalamin(500microgram/kg) and eight rats with normal saline 5 days a week for 12weeks after capsaicin injection. Using morphometry and computer digitization, the number and sloe distribution of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers were evaluated in sural nerves at 13 weeks.
There was significant difference in the number of unmyelinated fibers between two groups(control group 33,321 +/- 15,539/mm2; methylcobalamin group 99,614+/-20,581/mm2. p<0.0001). Methylcobalamin did not change the number and size distribution of'myelinated fibers. The size distribution of'unmyelinated fibers was approximately the same.
This study suggested that methylcobalamln could increase regeneration of peripheral nerve morphometrically. It appears that methylcobalamin might be one of the useful therapeutic agents in various polyneuropathies.