Diabetes Metab J.  2014 Apr;38(2):150-157. 10.4093/dmj.2014.38.2.150.

Factors Associated for Mild Cognitive Impairment in Older Korean Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  • 1Department of Internal Medicine, Inje University College of Medicine, Busan, Korea. djkim@paik.ac.kr


The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in older Korean adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
A total of 226 older (age > or =65 years) adults without a history of cerebrovascular disease or dementia participated in this study. Cognitive function was assessed with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment-Korean version (MoCA-K). A MoCA-K score <23 was defined as MCI.
The prevalence of MCI was 32.7%. In a logistic regression analysis, age (> or =74 years old vs. 65-68 years old; odds ratio [OR], 3.69; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.55 to 8.82; P=0.003), educational background (college graduation vs. no school or elementary school graduation; OR, 0.16; 95% CI, 0.05 to 0.46; P=0.001), and systolic blood pressure (> or =135 mm Hg vs. < or =120 mm Hg; OR, 3.25; 95% CI, 1.29 to 8.17; P=0.012) were associated with MCI.
More concentrated efforts focused on early detection and appropriate management of MCI may be required in older Korean adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.


Aged; Diabetes mellitus, type 2; Mild cognitive impairment

MeSH Terms

Blood Pressure
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2*
Logistic Models
Mild Cognitive Impairment*
Odds Ratio


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