J Korean Acad Prosthodont.  2006 Feb;44(1):85-102.

Three dimensional finite element analysis of internally connected implant systems

  • 1Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University, Korea.
  • 2Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Korea.


STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Currently, there are some 20 different geometric variations in implant/abutment interface available. The geometry is important because it is one of the primary determinants of joint strength, joint stability, locational and rotational stability. PURPOSE: As the effects of the various implant-abutment connections and the prosthesis height variation on stress distribution are not yet examined, this study is to focus on the different types of implant-abutment connection and the prosthesis height using three dimensional finite element analysis. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The models were constructed with ITI, 3i TG, Bicon, Frialit-2 fixtures and solid abutment, TG post, Bicon post, EstheticBase abutment respectively. And the superstructures were constructed as mandibular second premolar shapes with 8.5 mm, 11 mm, 13.5 mm of crown height. In each model, 244 N of vertical load and 244 N of 30 degree oblique load were placed on the central pit of an occlusal surface. von Mises stresses were recorded and compared in the crowns, abutments, fixtures.
1. Under the oblique loading, von Mises stresses were larger in the crown, abutment, fixture compared to the vertical loading condition. 2. The stresses were increased proportionally to the crown height under oblique loading but showed little differences with three different crown heights under vertical loading. 3. In the crown, the highest stress areas were loading points under vertical loading, and the finish lines under oblique loading. 4. Under the oblique loading, the higher stresses were located in the fixture/abutment interface of the Bicon and Frialit-2 systems compared to the ITI and TG systems.
The stress distribution patterns of each implant-abutment system had difference among them and adequate crown height/implant ratio was important to reduce the stresses around the implants.


Internal connection; Crown heigtht; Finite Element Analysis; Stress distribution

MeSH Terms

Finite Element Analysis*
Prostheses and Implants
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