J Korean Acad Periodontol.  2009 Jun;39(2):157-166. 10.5051/jkape.2009.39.2.157.

The effect of vitamin-C containing neutraceutical on periodontal wound healing as an adjunct to non-surgical or surgical periodontal treatment

  • 1Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University, Korea. jysuh@knu.ac.kr


PURPOSE: There are numerous reports about the usefulness of antibiotics such as doxycycline or metronidazole in the conventional treatment for the patients with chronic periodontal diseases. However, seldom are the reports about effects of vitamins or nutraceuticals. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of nutrient supplement including multiple vitamins and neutraceuticals with PRF-K2 from plants and seaweed in treatment of the patients with chronic periodontitis which is needed a nonsurgical or a surgical treatment by evaluating the clinical parameters and the gingival crevicular fluid volume.
The systemically healthy and nonsmoking patients diagnosed with chronic periodontitis were divided into a nonsurgical group and a surgical group. They were also divided into the test group with nutrient supplements and the control group without nutrient supplements. In the nonsurgical group, the clinical parameters (probing depth, clinical attachment level, sulcus bleeding index, and plaque index) and the gingival crevicular fluid volume were checked on baseline, at 1 week, at 3 week and at 9 week after a supplement treatment. In the surgical group, the clinical parameters and the gingival crevicular fluid volume were also checked at 15 week after a surgical treatment.
In both nonsurgical and surgical groups, reduction of pocket depth and increment of clinical attachment level were revealed in the test group compared with the control group, but there was not statistically significant difference (p>0.05), and sulcus bleeding index was decreased with statistically significant difference (p<0.05). In addition, plaque index was decreased with statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in the nonsurgical group. Gingival crevicular fluid volume was decreased with statistically significant difference (p<0.05) at week 9 in both non-surgical and surgical groups.
In conclusion, our results demonstrate that providing nutrient supplement in both nonsurgical or surgical periodontal treatments may improve gingival inflammation and gingival crevicular fluid.


ascorbic acid; dietary supplements; periodontitis; gingvial crevicular fluid

MeSH Terms

Anti-Bacterial Agents
Ascorbic Acid
Chronic Periodontitis
Dietary Supplements
Gingival Crevicular Fluid
Periodontal Diseases
Wound Healing
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Ascorbic Acid


  • Figure 1 Study design of non-surgical group (GCF, gingival crevicular fluid; PD, pocket depth; CAL, clinical attachment level; SBI, sulcus bleeding index; PI, plaque index; OHI, oral hygiene instruction).

  • Figure 2 Study design of surgical group (GCF, gingival crevicular fluid; PD, pocket depth; CAL, clinical attachment level; SBI, sulcus bleeding index; PI, plaque index; OHI, oral hygiene instruction; FO. flap operation).

Cited by  1 articles

Correlation between vitamin C intake and periodontal disease: The Fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2010
KyungWon Paek, SooJin Lee
J Korean Acad Oral Health. 2014;38(2):82-89.    doi: 10.11149/jkaoh.2014.38.2.82.


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