J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc.  2012 Jan;51(1):45-51. 10.4306/jknpa.2012.51.1.45.

Factor Analysis of the Young's Internet Addiction Test : In Korean College Students Group

  • 1Department of Psychiatry, Gongju National Hospital, Gongju, Korea. countin@gmail.com
  • 2Health Service Center, Kongju National University, Gongju, Korea.
  • 3Neuropsychiatry Research Laboratory, Gongju National Hospital, Gongju, Korea.


The Young's internet addiction test (IAT) is used worldwide, and the psychometric properties of IAT have been documented in other countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate and validate the factors and structure of the IAT as applied to Korean college students.
Data was collected from students (n=2216) at Kongju National University via an online survey system. The factor structures of the IAT were assessed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.
The IAT produced acceptable internal consistency and reliability (Cronbach alpha=0.921). We discovered that the two-factor structure of the IAT produced acceptable psychometric properties. Factor 1 consisted of the aspiration and obsession to achieve orientation in cyberspace, Factor 2 consists of loss of control, withdrawal, and neglect of social interaction and duties. These findings were inconsistent with those of previous studies. There were no significant gender differences observed in internet addiction rates.
IAT is a reliable scale which identifies two internet addiction factors in Korean college students. This scale could be useful to quantitatively evaluate internet addiction.


Young's internet addiction test; Internet addiction; Validation; Factor analysis

MeSH Terms

Factor Analysis, Statistical
Interpersonal Relations
Obsessive Behavior


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